1) 国際交流フェスティバルin神之木 / International Exchange Festival in Kaminoki
Kaminoki Chiku Center Official website (in Japanese)
Date: SUN 9th February 2014, 10:00-15:30
Place: Kaminoki Chiku Center (4min walk from JR Yokohama Line Oguchi station)
Admission Free
Overview of the festival: To enjoy world music, dance performances, exhibitions, workshops, bazaar and food stands.
IMCY will sell Gulab Jamuns (India), Date Cake (Morocco), Kinako Macarons and ginger/matcha cookies (Japan & France). We also sell some hand-made items.
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2) みんなで子育てフェスタinかながわ2014 / Minna de Kosodate Festa in Kanagawa 2014
(Let's-Raise-Kids-with-Everyone Festa in Kanagawa 2014)
By the NPO Second League Kanagawa

Official Website (in Japanese)
*You can download the flyer from this page.
Date: SAT 15th February 2014, 11:00-15:30 (workshops and sales until 15:00)
Place: Isogo Kokaido Public Hall (Inside the Isogo ward office, 5min walk from JR Negishi Line Isogo station)
Isogo Kokaido Hall (the website of the city of Yokohama, in Japanese)
Admission Free
Overview of the festival: For parents and caretakers of young children. There will be booths where you can try baby massage, concealing, Hawaiian therapy, color therapy etc… and where you can buy handmade items. In the hall, 1) 11:30-12:15 Classic Music Concert for Families, 2) 12:30-13:15 Lecture on "What daddies can do to make children smile"(in Japanese), and 3) 13:30-15:00 Film "Workers" (in Japanese) (all admission free).
IMCY will sell handmade items (hair accessories, useful items for hoikuen/yochien kids, Hina decorations etc.).
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