This year, the difference is the form is for two different purposes:
1) Child Allowance or Special Benefit*
2) Extra Benefit** for child-rearing household
*Special Benefit is for households whose income exceed the limit. Basically ¥5,000/month. Child Allowance is for households with income under the limit and the price depends on the number of your children and their age (¥10,000-15,000/month).
**Extra Benefit is to deal with the consumption tax raise in 2014, ¥3,000, and only once. Those who receive Special Benefit cannot apply for this.
In the envelop, you find:
1) A green sheet (the announcement of the present condition form)
2) A white one-sided sheet (how to fill in the form)
3) A white sheet (the child allowance present condition form/Extra Benefit application)
4) A green sheet (the announcement of the present condition form)

You need to turn in the present condition form: in case it wasn't submitted, you will not receive the allowance in June and after.
What To Submit
-A present condition form-A copy of your health insurance card or pension certificate etc.
-Your income certificate if you became a citizen of Yokohama after January 2nd, 2015.
*Please ask the office of your previous town/city for the certificate.
*Those who have been living in Yokoahama since before January 1st, 2015 don't need this.
-In case you need another document to turn in, you will be notified of it later.
Tuesday, 30th June, 2015How to Submit
1) By Post: Use the green envelop enclosed in the letter. Please put the right amount of postal stamp. You can also make use of registered mail system of the Japan Post if you wish.2) At the Counter: You can bring it to your ward office, こども家庭支援課 (kodomo katei shien ka).
*Be careful of their business hours.
Income Check of the Recipient's Spouse
To confirm who is the main supporter of your household (=who earns more), the income of the recipient's spouse must be checked and the accordance is needed.Prescription of Child Allowance
You will no longer have right to receive Child Allowance in two years without submitting the present condition form.Extra Benefit for Child-rearing Households
You can apply to this benefit by the present condition form of Child Allowance.Target : Those who receive Child Allowance of June 2015 (except for those who receive Special Benefit)
Amount: 3,000 yen, one time only
How to receive: The money will be transferred to your bank account that you use to receive Child Allowance
Deadline: December 1st, 2015
How to fill in the form①Date of application ex) June 15th, 2015 = 平成 27 年 6 月 15 日
Always in yy-mm-dd order in Japan. The year 2015 is Heisei 27.
②Recipient information area
③The recipient's name (who earns the most in your household)
④Family name stamp if you have. Not necessary if the name was signed by the recipient.
⑤Sex: Male 男 Female 女
⑥Birthdate (may be already printed)
⑦Address (may be already printed), if the current address isn't what is printed here, erase with two parallel lines and fill in the correct address
⑧Telephone numbers (upper line: home, lower line: mobile phone number)
⑨Do you have a spouse? Circle Yes: 有 No: 無
If no, you don't have to fill in the Spouse area.
⑩Occupation: Circle 会社員 employee 自営業 self-employed 公務員 civil servant 無職 unemployed その他 others
⑪Office name and number
⑫Pension Type: (1) Employee's Pension (2) Mutual Aid Pension (3) National Pension (including no.3) (4) No Pension
Those with (1) and (2) are required to photocopy the health insurance card and attach it on the back of the form.
⑬Income Certificate: Where was your address on January 1st 2015? Circle 横浜市 the city of Yokohama 横浜市外 out of the city of Yokohama 国外 outside Japan
For those who lived outside Japan before January 2nd, 2015, no need to turn in the income certificate.
⑭Spouse's information area
⑮Name of the spouse
⑯Birthdate of the spouse
⑰Do you live together with your spouse? Circle Yes:同居 No:別居
⑱Address on January 1st 2015. Circle 横浜市 the city of Yokohama 横浜市外 out of the city of Yokohama 国外 outside Japan
⑲Occupation: Circle 会社員 employee 自営業 self-employed 公務員 civil servant 無職 unemployed その他 others
⑳Children information area: from left to right Name, Relationship (子child 孫 grandchild etc.), Birthdate, Living together or not, Living (must be 同一same if it's your child)
*Please fill in all your children from 0 year old to 18 years old (considered as 18 years old till March 31st after turning 18).
*Need another document if you live separately with your children. If your children live outside Yokohama, you need an original Jyumin-hyo (resident's card) with all your family member names.
*In case your children are studying abroad, write down the date of departure. Need another document to submit, too.
The bottom part
*You cannot change the recipient with this form.
*If you have more than six children, you have two sheets of this form. Please submit both.
The number of target children of Extra Benefit and the amount. Number of target children: ( ** persons) Amount (****yen)
Convenant clauses and agreement
(1) I agree with that the city of Yokohama searches the recipient and his/her spouse's income information for official records or documents at other executive agencies in order to judge the necessary conditions to provide Child Allowance and Extra Benefit.
(2) In case the necessary information cannot be confirmed by official records, I will turn in necessary documents.
(3) After the application to Extra Benefit is passed, the application form is considered as a request (bill).
(4) After the application is passed, if the payment is not completed for reasons such as failure in transferring money caused by imperfect application, the application is considered to be withdrawn.
(5) I agree that if the application didn't reach to the city by the postmark deadline (December 1st, 2015), the Extra Benefit of the year 2015 are not provided.
(6) I agree that the target children of Extra Benefit are the target of the June 2015 Child Allowance.
The backside
①Please attach a copy of your health insurance on this side.
②Why a copy of our health insurance card is necessary?
We need to confirm that the claimant of the allowance is "employed" or not (*1) and we use the copy of "the health insurance card of the claimant" as an easy way to check it.
You may need to turn in the pension certificate depending on your pension, so please read the following statements and submit what is necessary.
③1. The claimant is a member of
-Employees Pension (so-called Kosei Nenkin pension or Kyosai Nenkin pension)
If the recipient had an issuance card of one of below or don't know whats:
(1) Health Insurance Membership Card (Japan Health Insurance Association/ Health Insurance Associations)
(2) Japan Doboku Kenchiku (public engineering) Health Insurance Association Card
(3) Private School Teachers mutual-aid Association Card
(4) Japan Post mutual-aid Association Card
(5) Sailor Health Insurance Card
(6) Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology mutual-aid Membership Card (limited to branches like universities)
(7) Among mutual-aid membership cards, the one that it is clear the employer is an independent administrative institution or a local independent administrative institution.
Please attach the photocopy of the claimant's card. *Not the one of your children.
④2. The claimant is a member of (1) Employees Pension or (2) Mutual Aid Pension (as declared on the surface) but the health insurance is National Health Insurance.
Please receive a certificate from your office.
*Your office (company) will fill in the form on the bottom.
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