There will be some changes in the laws concerning Child Allowance on June 1st, 2022. Those who have children under 15 years old must have received this yellow envelop.
From this year,
1) Basically you will not have to turn in the present condition form for Child Allowance.
2) If your income exceeds the limit, you will not receive the special allowance.
1) About the present condition form(現況届)
If you receive the form AFTER JUNE 1st, it is NECESSARY TO TURN IN THE FORM.
a) Those who are under divorce process and live separately with their spouse
b) This whose actual address is different from the one registered in the Jyumin-hyo (residence card), due to violence from the spouse etc.
c) Those whose child doesn't have Jyumin-hyo
d) In case the guardian(s) of the child is a corporation or in case the recipient of the allowance is a facility or a foster parent
5) Other cases in which the present condition needs to be confirmed
*If you are one of a), b), c), d) and don't received the form, contact the local government
If none of a), b), c), d) applies to you, BASICALLY YOU WILL NOT NEED TO TURN IN THE FORM unless your children's condition has changed. The local government will confirm the condition on referring the Basic Resident Registration system etc.
Please report if there's any change in the following issues:
1) If your spouse's Jyumin-hyo is outside Yokohama or/and the address of the child/children has changed (including moving outside Japan).
2) On your marriage or common-law marriage, you have come to support a child/children (in case your spouse or partner has a child/children).
3) On your divorce, you have lost the spouse who supported the child/children together.
4) You have no children for whom to receive the allowance anymore (in case you stopped supporting the child/children).
5) Your pension has changed (ex. from Employer's Pension to National Pension).
6) The recipient of the allowance or his/her spouse has become a civil servant.
2) About the Limit of Income(所得の基準額)
If the recipient's income exceeds the limit in the numbers in the table B, s/he will not receive the allowance from October 2022 (the allowance for June to September).
@If your income becomes below the limit again after the allowance stopped, you will need to apply to the allowance by yourself again.
@The number of the dependents includes the spouse and dependent family members (excluding the children supported by a foster family or in a facility) and non-dependent children who shared the same livelihood on December 31st in the previous year.
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