Monday, January 26, 2015

[ACTIVITY REPORT] Deko Maki Sushi and Wagashi Workshop December 2014

IMCYは、12月11日に、デコ巻き寿司&和菓子ワークショップを開催しました。今回も西地区センターの調理室をお借りしての開催となりました。(この活動は「にこまち助成金」の交付を受けています。) 今回は、前半にデコ巻き寿司、続いて和菓子という2本立てで、初めての試みでした。

IMCY held a Deko Maki Sushi & Wagashi (Japanese confection) workshop on December 11th, 2014 at Nishi Chiku Center. This activity was supported by Nikomachi Subsidy. This time we learned the Deko Maki Sushi in the first half and then wagashi in the latter half, and it was our first experience to have two sessions at one time.

デコ巻き寿司はペンギン、そして和菓子は雪だるま(スノーマン)を作りました。これらの柄は、IMCYのFacebook groupにおけるメンバーの投票によって選ばれたものです。

We learned Penguin face sushi and Snowman-shaped wagashi. These two motifs were chosen by the IMCY Facebook members by voting.


Children were with babysitters in the room next-door, which was also because young children are not allowed in the kitchen. Participants seemed to enjoy making sushi and wagashi and chatting with people at the same table.


We would like to show our deep gratitude to the babysitting volunteers, IMCY staff and participants of the workshop.

Monday, January 19, 2015

[EVENT] Setsubun Bean Throwing at Temples and Shrines

February 3rd is called Setsubun (節分) and people throw soy beans to drive away devils (bad lucks) out of their house. You can find the beans and devil masks easily at stores in January.

People also eat a long sushi roll called Eho-maki (恵方巻き) on that day, too. It seems to be a tradition of West Japan but now is common in all over Japan.

Many temples and shrines have Setsubun bean throwing event on February 3rd. Here is a list of picked-up temples and shrines in and around Yokohama.

*There will be a lot of people so please be careful if you join with your young children.
These events maybe canceled or changed. Please check out your local temple/shrine, too.

Iseyama Kotaijingu Shrine (Sakuragicho,Yokohama)


Shinmeisha Shrine (Hodogaya, Yokohama)


Soji-ji Temple (Tsurumi, Yokohama)

Gate open at 10:00, starts at noon.

Hozoin Temple (Totsuka, Yokohama)

Seto Jinja Shirine (Kanazawa Hakkei, Yokohama)


Kawasaki Daishi (Kawasaki)

English page
Setsubun event (Japanese)
11:30-, 14:00-, 16:30-

Enoshima Shrine (Kamakura)

Website (Japanese)

Ofuna Kannon (Ohuna/Kamakura)

Website (Japanese)
*CAUTION: They have the event on February 1st.
There will be some famous guests and they may limit the admission if there are too many visitors. The gate opens around noon and starts around 14:00.

And also at old traditional houses

Yokomizo House (Yokohama)

English page
No details on the page but it seems the event started around 15:00 in the previous years.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

[EVENT] Nanakusa gayu events on January 7th

Traditionally, Japanese people eat nanakusa (seven herbs) rice porridge on January 7th.

Check out what it looks like on the Wikipedia (in Japanese).

Nanakusa kayu (rice porridge) is served at some parks where old houses are preserved on that day.

Misono Park Yokomizo Yashiki (house) in Tsurumi

*No detail for this year is updated but it was for first 500 people at ¥100, started at 10:30 last year.

Hongo Fujiyama Park in Sakae

Nanakusa gayu and some games of New Year season.
First 100 people ¥100. 11:30-13:00 in front of the old house.

Tuzuki Minka en (in the Iseki Park near Center Kita) in Tuzuki
First 100 people, ¥100. 11:00-12:00. Dance performance.