We visited Yokohama Shouyu (soy sauce) factory near JR Oguchi station.
Official Website (in Japanese)
The factory accepts visits on weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00, reservation required.

We enter the factory from the garage.
The moromi mush (fermented mixture of soy beans, wheat, koji mold and salt) factory is in Gifu. They used to make it in Yokohama (near Hakuraku) but for some reasons, they moved here and deal only with the last few steps to make soy sauce.
The manager of the factory explained us how to make soy sauce, which was very interesting. They follow the traditional procedure, so it usually takes a lot of time, but they don't use food additives.
We can also buy their products at the factory. There are various soy sauce products.
How to get to the factory
JR Oguchi station West Exit (Yokohama Line, two stops from Yokohama)
Walk along the railways.
Turn left at this corner.
Then, turn right, continue walking about a minute and the factory is on your right.
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