When your due day is approaching, your doctor/mid-wife may ask you: how do you get here when the labor starts? If you don't have a car, or even if you do, you might worry if nobody can give you a ride.
Unless you are in a critical condition, for example, bleeding a lot or your labor progresses too quickly etc., you are not supposed to call the ambulance (119 in Japan). You can call a taxi, but some taxi drivers aren't eager to carry a pregnant woman (in case something bad happens to the mother/baby in the car or the water breaks and wet the seat and so on, though somewhat understandable).
There're some taxi companies that provide "Labor Taxi Service(陣痛タクシーJintsu Taxi)" in Yokohama. So here's the list.
You can register yourself beforehand so that it would be easier to call the taxi.
1) Basically, the drivers engaged in the service have taken a special lesson to understand the maternity issue, but as they're not a doctor or a nurse, they can do nothing and take no responsibility to whatever happens in the taxi.
2) Even if you are registered, they might not be able to send you a taxi under some circumstances (natural disasters, traffic jam etc.).
3) Some companies have really small "territory" and they may not be able to send you a taxi (four companies turned me down saying my place is out of their territory). Confirm if your house and hospital are in their "territory" by mail or phone before registration.
4) Those taxis providing Labor Taxi Service usually don't charge you anything if you wet the seat, but prepare a large towel and a plastic sheet/bag before getting on the taxi to avoid the problem.
5) Fare and condition of use differ in each company (mostly no extra charge; normal fare or extra fare late at night or early in the morning, and pick-up charge). Please refer the website (use translation tools or have someone translate for you) of each company or ask them.
Houei Taxi (Jintsu 119)
Registration online
Area: Hodogaya west, Asahi east, Kanagawa ward west, Midori east areas
KM Taxi (Maternity My Taxi)
https://www.km-group.co.jp/taxi/maternity/Registration by telephone (weekday 9:00-17:30) or online
*It seems they only serve in Tokyo now. (27/06/2017)
Nihon Kotsu Yokohama (Jintsu Taxi)
http://www.nikko-yokohama.co.jp/jintsutaxi/Registration by telephone (24h)
Area: Yokohama (Totsuka, Izumi, Asahi, Seya, Hodogaya, Konan, Sakae wards), Yamato, Ebina, Zama and Ayase cities, but there may be some exceptions.
Radio Taxi (Jintsu 119)
Registration online
Area: Naka, Nishi, Tsuduki, Kanagawa south, west and east, Minami east, Hodogaya south and east, part of Isogo, Kohoku, Midori and Asahi.
Sanwa Kotsu (Jintsu 119)
http://www.sanwakoutsu.co.jp/service/labor/labor_taxi.htmlRegistration online
Area: Not clearly indicated in the website but it seems around their Yokohama office (some part of Kohoku and Tsurumi)
The taxi companies below belong to the Association of Kosodate Taxi (http://kosodate-taxi.com)
Asahi Taxi (Jintsu Sogei Service)
http://www.asahitaxi-hama.co.jp/service/jintsu.phpRegistration online
Area: Kohoku New Town Office (Tsuzuki ward
Kanagawa Toshi Kotsu(Kosodate Taxi: Konotori Course)
http://www.toshikoutsu.co.jp/service/kosodate.html*Labor taxi service is provided as "Konotori (=stork) Course" in their Kosodate (child-rearing) Taxi Service.
Registration online (confirmation by mail or phone)
Area: Aoba ward, Kanazawa ward and Yamato city (update 27/06/2017)
Mitsukyo Kotsu (Kosodate Taxi: Konotori Course)
http://mitsukyo.jp/kosodatetaxi01.html*Labor taxi service is provided as "Konotori (=stork) Course" in their Kosodate (child-rearing) Taxi Service.
Registration by telephone
Area: Seya, Asahi center and west
Shonan Kotsu (Kosodate Taxi: Konotori Course)
http://shonankotsu.co.jp/kosodate-taxi/*Labor taxi service is provided as "Konotori (=stork) Course" in their Kosodate (child-rearing) Taxi Service.
Registration online
Area: Not clearly indicated but as the office is in Konan ward, it should be around there.
Sun Taxi (Jintsu 119)
http://www.suntaxi.com/kosodate/jintsu119.htmRegistration online
Area: Naka, Kohoku (Kodukue-cho, Nippa-cho, Toriyama-cho, Shin-yoshida-cho, Shin-yokohama, Kita-shin-yokohama, Mamedo-cho, Futoo-cho, Osone)
Toho Taxi
http://www.toho-taxi.jp/kosodate/index.htmlRegistration online
Area: Tsurumi (for some areas in Kanagawa ward and Kawasaki Saiwai and Kawasaki wards, please confirm by phone)
(This information is updated on February 4th, 2016)